Siddharth Basu Brett Lee, handsome hunk, talented musician, gifted singer, God�s gift to women, Australian cricketer and arguably the fastest bowler in the world, was in India for the cricket series, although he did not play. He spent time promoting Foster�s (Australian!) beer at pubs and bars across the country, playing the guitar and entertaining at nightspots, and generally being a darling!

You talk of a love for Indian food...
Yeah, especially Butter Chicken! But in moderation because there�s so much butter, fat. The day I train hard, I work my butt off, put in effort and the match goes well... then I reward myself. A couple of quarts of beer, and Butter Chicken.

Are you a foodie?
I enjoy food but I�m not a good cook. I like getting into the kitchen among the females and doing, let�s say, a pasta, some Spaghetti Bolognese, a couple of stir-fry dishes, Apricot Chicken. I�d have a platter of fresh fruit afterwards. I�m not into desserts. No cakes with cream.

Is Australian food great?
It�s really great. The produce is fresh, there�s lots of seafood, garden-fresh salads, awesome fruit.

What�s your diet like?
I�m against fast foods. I strictly avoid places like McDonald�s. I believe the body is your temple and you�ve got to look after it. I�m old fashioned in my eating habits. Lots of vegetables, very little sugar, no artificial stuff, plenty of juices.

And your workouts?
I train every day. Not so much weights as using my body weight against myself, you know, chin-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, working against gravity. My workouts could last three hours.

What�s your favourite drink?
Beer, soda water. It�s important to drink between two to five litres of water a day. Because I train so much and play so much, I need to chase hydration. It shows on the skin, otherwise. I look at going into a match feeling hydrated. And I prefer bubbly water to still, it�s easier to drink.

As a sportsman, are you against smoking?
I absolutely hate people who smoke. Nothing puts me off more than the smell of cigarette smoke. I�ve never tried smoking and I never will, not even a puff! Just the smell makes me sick.

If you were to put together a dream table of guests for dinner, who would you invite?
Don Bradman, he was the greatest cricketer that ever lived, I�d love to chat him up; Elvis Presley, because he�s what music is all about, a white man singing black soul music; Robbie Williams, because I admire his music, I�d love to jam with him; Liv Tyler, she�s beautiful, as simple as that; Steve Waugh, he�s mentally the toughest cricketer I ever came across, he makes winning a habit but is yet so humble, I�d love to share stories with him; and, Britney Spears, she�s pretty, and it would be great to have her providing harmony if I jam up with Elvis and Robbie after dinner!


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