Tania Zaetta Tania Zaetta, the hot and sexy action babe of AXN�s popular Who Dares Wins teleserial, has adventurous tastebuds. She once had sheep�s eyeballs as a dare! She�s a foodie, she likes anything in food, and plenty of it! Her favourite cuisines are Indian and Thai. And she can cook curries in these cuisines out of recipe books and from memory. Recently in India on an AXN promotion, she ate her way around the country, she said!

What�s it with you and Indian food?
I love the variety, the different tastes, the spices, breads, desserts, curries. It�s the No. 1 takeaway food in London, where I stay, so I�m familiar with it. My favourite Indian dish is Mutton Rogan Josh... but I don�t like the Garlic Naan they serve with it here! I can cook a lot of Indian curries too.

Where did you learn?
Out of cookery books I pick up while travelling around the world and from memory, my tastebuds remember what I�ve eaten. I�ve been out of the home since I was 19 and you cannot live off boiled eggs!

Are you a good cook?
I love cooking, that�s what everyone says, and when I cook there are always people who want to come over and eat. I cook by taste, like a real Italian chef (I�m half Australian, half Italian!), little bit of this and little bit of that. By the time it comes to serving dinner, I am full!

What�s the maximum you�ve cooked for?
About 18, on Christmas Day in Australia. I cooked on the beach, in scorching weather, and I cooked a cold meal... chicken, salads, desserts.

Name four people you would love to cook for...
David Beckham, Robbie Williams, Madonna and the Dalai Lama, because all of them fascinate me. Beckham is spunky, Robbie has that hint of arrogance I find attractive in a man, Madonna because she is Madonna, the most fascinating woman in the world, and the Dalai Lama because he is the most insightful person in the world.

You love to eat, how do you keep in shape?
I don�t really work out, but two-three weeks before a show, I hit the gym, run, stretch, kickbox, work on muscle tone. I don�t have to worry about weight. I fight to keep it on! I have high metabolism. My mind is always going a million miles an hour. If I don�t eat every couple of hours, I get light-headed.

What are the most adventurous foods you�ve eaten?
Sheep�s eyeballs on Who Dares Wins, kangaroo, snakes, crocodile. I grew up in the bush, the outback, and everytime Dad ran over something with the car, we�d take it home and eat it!


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