Ratnagiri Coastal City of Mango & Coconut
The way to go to Ratnagiri is by road, ideally from Bombay, which is 373 kilometres away, or also from Goa, which is closer at 200 kilometres.

The Crab Maker
Arjun Gadre is the country�s leading exporter of Surimi analogue products, and he does this all in Ratnagiri. UpperCrust meets the entrepreneur who actually sells Surimi to Japan.

Lord Ganesh�s Seaside Residence
Ganpatipule�s Swayambhu Temple of Ganesh is frequented by thousands every year. The idol of this temple is the western sentinel God of India, finds out

The College Of Fisheries
A small college in Ratnagari turns out some of the country�s leading experts in fisheries, learns UpperCrust.

The Athawda Bazaar
In Ratnagiri, the Saturday fever is in the morning, when the entire town converges on the marketplace for the weekly bazaar. UpperCrust reports.

Coconuts & Spice & Everything Nice!
UpperCrust visits Ratnagiri�s Regional Coconut Research Station to crack open the coconut and uncover some other spicy stuff.

Lunch Under the Mango Tree, With The Desais
ANJALI GADRE has lunch with the Desais... who are the First Family of Mangoes in Ratnagiri.

Ratnagiri�s Kohinoor Off the Beach
The Kohinoor Samudra Beach Resort is the best place to stay in Ratnagiri. It offers a most commanding view of the vast and sweeping coast, discovers UpperCrust.


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